How to found a cheap instagram followers. Possible consequences of Instagram cheating. The number of subscribers on Insta is an important indicator of the quality of an account. A large number of participants is important for: Increase the cost of advertising. The more popular the account, the more expensive you can sell ads in it. Monetization requires at least 5 thousand people. Increasing the target audience for the subsequent sale of goods / services. Here, not quantity, but the quality of subscribers comes to the fore. Easier increase in participants. No one wants to subscribe to an empty account. In 2020 Instagram easily finds fakes, deletes and bans the accounts that bought them. Initially, it is better to collect at least offers — accounts created to carry out tasks for the purpose of earning. These are not bots, so the risk of a ban is noticeably lower.
Do not get involved in wrapping, especially if you are selling something. It can recruit several thousand people, but then you have to use white methods of promoting Instagram.
The main disadvantages of wrapping:
Low activity. For example, you have 10 thousand subscribers, but there are no comments, and there are not many likes. Because of this, the ER (level of interaction) is small, and the service will not raise your publications in the news feed. The photoservice will show non-CA posts, and it will be problematic to go out. If you want to launch targeted advertising later, it will be displayed on fakes. And this is the drain of the advertising budget. Well, the biggest minus: offers and bots will buy nothing, which means that a business account is useless. You need to use the wrapping services wisely and accurately. Consider what you need to know about it.
Preparing for wrappingIt’s pointless to attract subscribers to an unprepared account. It is important to make it more or less attractive so that people are interested in it. What is needed for this? Details fill out the profileCreate an attractive avatar. If you are a blogger or individual entrepreneur, it is better to put your face on, as there is more trust in a living person. The photo should be simple, without small elements. Briefly, but in the case, without vague wording, describe what you do. Put emoticons to facilitate reading.Use the keyword in the profile name or nickname. They are indexed by search engines.Post at least 10 posts to let the public understand what the page is about.Come up with a unique hashtag to track your posts.Analyze target audience and competitors To interest people, it is important to understand what to offer them. Go through the accounts of competitors. Take a look: which posts collect the most likes and comments;what questions are asked by users, with which they agree and disagree;how often do posts go out;how account owners interact with followers.Create a content plan
After analyzing the target audience, if, of course, you have carefully approached it, you will have a lot of ideas about the content. Make a monthly publication plan. So you can regularly publish posts, your account will become live, which means that there will be more chances for the active growth of subscribers. Recruit First Subscribers If the profile has 10-30 subscriptions, there is little trust in it. It is necessary to collect at least several hundred people, preferably “pens”. Why manually? For accounts under 6 months of age, the service is being watched very carefully. Any hint of cheating will result in a ban. To attract the first 2-4 hundred subscribers, you can use the following methods:
Ask your friends and acquaintances to subscribe. If you have a website, hang an icon with a link to your account. Notify people on the newsletter. Manually subscribe to those who seem to you to be Central Asia. This process is not quick, but several dozen people can be gathered in a week. Comment on posts in competitor accounts or from an adjacent area. It should not be advertising. A reasoned answer, advice, personal experience, etc. Those who like the answer are likely to go to the page. When the first 200-400 people are recruited, you can proceed to the automatic wrapping. But it is important to keep in mind the limitations.